Today was the second day of solstice, June 20th. When was eating breakfast Jeremiah and some people arrived on our Island. I practiced drumming for three hours because I didn’t practice drum before. I worried about when we play drums at night and I was worried I would make a mistake. C.B. made two Sandwiches for us. After lunch I continued to practice drumming and I saw a lot of seals. The weather was very good. In the afternoon we worked a little for solstice to pick up fire wood and made the teepee and put the solstice flag in the tree and we made a big circle and new people who came introduced themselves. Then we ate all the food together and there were a lot and so many different foods. Because all the people arrived here today, the young girls hot-tubbed on the big boat and sometimes they swam. Tonight at 10:45 the moon change and we went to good place near the ocean and Shantparv brought some quartz and cedar to put on a little fire, then people were seated and faceed east for thirty minutes meditation and prayer for the moon. I don’t know what the people were thinking when we prayed to the moon. But I asked for blessing to Buddha and Dharma and Sangha prayer to moon,

also I chanted some important Buddhist prayer to the moon and all the world tonight. At 11:20 pm we started to play drums and I didn’t make mistakes too much when I played with the drummers. I know I need more practice drumming. Women danced around the fire also sometimes they sang a lot of songs. People brought many instruments. We played really good music. I record their some songs. Not too late. People were tired and they mostly went to bed. C.B. went to bed, too. I still played with some drummers. But the sound was not to good. When I went to bed someone slept like a stone near our tent. He snored very loudly.
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