In the morning at 7:30 Jelani came to uor parking lot get us we went to a special place. A lot of people came to listen to the speech. They talked about world religion and listened and chanted with music. Some times Tibetan monks go to there to chant. A bout 15.000 people go there a week they talk to people. How to be a good person and do good things. But they spoke very fast. So I understood only 50 percent at 11:30 we came back home and ate lunch. Then I went to a little music festival. There were not a lot of people. But there was very good music and a lot of groups. Played different countries
music and instruments. Most people study ethnomusicology. At 3:30 I went to mrs Adams home and worked for two hours. At 7:00 I went to a concert with African American music and the Afro - cuban first was a big


It was r
eally nice.
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